Getting Started


Lavatory looks for several environment variables in order to authenticate:

ARTIFACTORY_URL - Base URL to use for Artifactory connections

ARTIFACTORY_USERNAME - Username to Artifactory

ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD - Password for Artifactory

These will be loaded in at the beginning of a run and raise an exception if these environment variables are missing.

Purging Artifacts

Creating a Basic Policy

For this documentation lets assume a repository named yum-local. In a new directory, outside of Lavatory, create This will be a retention policy that only impacts the yum-local repository.

In lets create a basic policy:

def purgelist(artifactory):
    """Policy to purge all artifacts older than 120 days"""
    purgable = artifactory.time_based_retention(keep_days=120)
    return purgable

The layout of the policy will look similar to

[root@localhost /]# tree path/
`-- to
    `-- policies

Running Lavatory

To test the policy you just created you can run lavatory purge --policies-path=/path/to/policies --repo yum-local

Below are all the options for the purge command:

$ lavatory purge --help
Usage: lavatory purge [OPTIONS]

  Deletes artifacts based on retention policies

  --policies-path TEXT      Path to extra policies directory
  --dryrun / --nodryrun     Dryrun does not delete any artifacts. On by
  --default / --no-default  If false, does not apply default policy
  --repo TEXT               Name of specific repository to run against. Can
                            use --repo multiple times. If not provided, uses
                            all repos.
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

If you want to run Lavatory against a specific repository, you can use --repo <repo_name>. You can specify --repo as multiple times to run against multiple repos. If --repo is not provided, Lavatory will run against all repos in Artifactory.

By default, Lavatory runs in drymode. Must include --nodryrun in order to actually delete Artifacts

CLI Help

You can run any Lavatory command with --help for assistance.


Adding lavatory -v $command will increase logging verbosity. You can add up to 5 v like lavatory -vvvvv $command for maximum verbosity.