Getting Started


Lavatory looks for several environment variables in order to authenticate:

ARTIFACTORY_URL - Base URL to use for Artifactory connections

ARTIFACTORY_USERNAME - Username to Artifactory

ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD - Password for Artifactory

These will be loaded in at the beginning of a run and raise an exception if these environment variables are missing.

Purging Artifacts

Creating a Basic Policy

For this documentation lets assume a repository named yum-local. In a new directory, outside of Lavatory, create This will be a retention policy that only impacts the yum-local repository.

In lets create a basic policy:

def purgelist(artifactory):
    """Policy to purge all artifacts older than 120 days"""
    purgable = artifactory.time_based_retention(keep_days=120)
    return purgable

The layout of the policy will look similar to

[root@localhost /]# tree path/
`-- to
    `-- policies

Running Lavatory

To test the policy you just created you can run lavatory purge --policies-path=/path/to/policies --repo yum-local

Below are all the options for the purge command:

$ lavatory purge --help
Usage: lavatory purge [OPTIONS]

  Deletes artifacts based on retention policies

  --policies-path TEXT      Path to extra policies directory
  --dryrun / --nodryrun     Dryrun does not delete any artifacts. On by
  --default / --no-default  If false, does not apply default policy
  --repo TEXT               Name of specific repository to run against. Can
                            use --repo multiple times. If not provided, uses
                            all repos.
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

If you want to run Lavatory against a specific repository, you can use --repo <repo_name>. You can specify --repo as multiple times to run against multiple repos. If --repo is not provided, Lavatory will run against all repos in Artifactory.

By default, Lavatory runs in drymode. Must include --nodryrun in order to actually delete Artifacts

Configure SSL

When HTTPS Artifactory URL is provided, Lavatory uses certifi to get the list of trusted certificates.

If your server’s certificate is not signed by any of certifi’s authorities, you can either update the certifi’s list whose file system path can be retrieved by the following command:

python -c "import certifi; print(certifi.where())"

or you can instruct Lavatory to use your own CA bundle file path by setting the environment variable LAVATORY_CERTBUNDLE_PATH.

CLI Help

You can run any Lavatory command with --help for assistance.


Adding lavatory -v $command will increase logging verbosity. You can add up to 5 v like lavatory -vvvvv $command for maximum verbosity.